Arrr, 'ello ye scallywags an' landlubbers! I’ve been takin’ some time to lay low an' mend me broken heart. Spent me sorrows away in the treacherous lands of Vegas, an' met the fine Kat, a true inspiration—ye all best be gettin’ to know that wondrous soul! Now, two questions fer ye:
First, ain't it a grand thing that we be havin’ steady hands at the helm with our coachin’? I reckon Minter’ll stay steady till Harbaugh’s day be done, then take the wheel himself.
Second, let’s make a game o' it, ye salty dogs! Each o' ye must christen yer mate with a pirate name. As always, FTR, FTB, FTC, SMB—an' big beautiful booby-filled sails, arrr! Love ye all, now be off with ye!