Last week I was browsing online for trainers to help me fulfill my new years resolution to lose weight when I came across an ad to "Train With Herbert and the BOYS". So I clicked "YES" faster than I did when combo hitting on street fighter. I then filled out the information with out reading the terms and conditions and check marking the box. Literally 15 min later I had a phone call from none other than Ben Herbert. I couldn't even remember what he said, I was so overjoyed. But I do remember him saying "you NerVOUS? You NerVOUS?" I then received an email the next day to select my apartment room located inside the BOLT. So I, of course, selected the one right next to Jim Harbaughs office. I could hear him now encouraging me. "MrPeckARE - you're attacking this weight loss with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind". I then selected the three chargers I would be training with, Justin Herbert, Joey Bosa and Cameron Dicker. I then selected my diet plan full of fresh pizza guaranteed not to mess with my lactose intolerant self, In and Out, and all of the fresh fish I could eat.
I then received a zoom call from Ben(yeah we were on a first name basis) letting me know whats up and he will see me tomorrow to start our new journey. I went to bed and then in what seemed like the blink of an eye I was opening up the doors to the Bolt with Dicker, Bosa, and Justin Herbert smiling, waiting to train with me. Everything was perfect Like that scene from Happy Gilmore. Justin said "sup?" I froze for a second and muttered, "hello".... then my wife said "hi? and good morning?"
and then...... I realized...... It was only just a dream :-( ..... I am still crushed.
But anyways to get your butt in gear for the new year,
Who would you want to train with at the bolt. Three current Chargers. Co copycats or repeats.