Well, our defense was significantly improved when Sebastian came back in. Can we say 4 sacks! Can't say I'm surprised at how well they did considering JC is gone. I'm so looking forward to Herbert and the offense finding a rhythm by next game. It's a long streak of wins we need to keep up!
This team is gunna kill me, but I'm happy to go die for them. Anyway, I've rambled enough.
My question is, What would each of you do to improve the offenses team building out of the following or you can make up your own.
A) Take them to an obstacle course and team lunch.
B) Sky diving and crocheting class.
C) Cooking and acting classes.
Me? I'm taking the cooking and acting classes. They can learn to make a few different kinds of victory brisket and use the acting on the field to play even better.
Can't wait to hear your guys thoughts! Fuck the Cowboys, Chiefs, and Raiders. I would say the donkeys but they don't matter. KLUB.
PS. Don't come for me, I'm behind and don't know if we won!