Readers Choice. But I envision an annoying little brat, like the know it all on polar express or the younger kid from Jurassic Park 1
This off season seems to never end. I dont know if it is the excitement of Harbaugh, Seeing all my buddies, or just foot ball in general. Maybe all three? But seriously I hope the rest of this off-season goes smooth like Ex-Lax.
Now I just need it to end.... Do I have to sing,
This is the off season that never ends..... it just goes on and on and then.....
I mean, What do we need to end this off season bore....Do we need a extinct level event to end this off-season or will we just be waiting for the cows to come home? No, what I think we need to spice it up this off season is..............
............Dinosaurs. Blood thirsty, Laywer Munching, meat-asarous, Sharp tooth wielding, dinosaurs.
So here we go.... Hold on to your butts....
What is your favorite Dinosaur? And why?
Look for part 2....
Bolt the F**** UP!!!
Big ole Jurassic SUCK MY BUTT!!