Saw this post on reddit and wanted each of your responses to this scenario!
How many kindergartners do you think you could personally take on in a fight before being overpowered?
Stipulations and context:
The kindergartners are released 5 at a time every 30 seconds.
The arena is a standard sized classroom, let's say 40 feet wide by 25 feet deep. However, the room is completely empty.
The kindergartners are unarmed. They are just going to run at you, attempting to punch, kick, bite, and scratch you. Their ultimate goal is to cumulatively dog pile on you and pin you to the ground. If they can pin you for 15 consecutive seconds, you lose.
You have to knock a kindergartner unconscious in order to defeat them. Once they are knocked unconscious, they vanish from the classroom arena.
You can use any strategy you want to fend them off, but you are also unarmed and you are not allowed to leave the room.
Thanks for your time! f*ck the raiders kluvyoubye