What's Up Charger Fam!
I might miss out on the Panthers' home game against the Chargers since they might get sent to Germany. Then again, they have never beaten the Panthers in my fandom, which is 3 times, so I'm not missing much, lol. That being said, I have the Atlanta game on my calendar with Bolt Up Kat and Mr. Peckare, and I'm going to shoot for one more away game, so what away opponent do you think you might try to travel? That Steelers game is looking nice to me. Kyle, I'm sorry in advance if I touch your face and feed you stadium concession food in real life. I'm conditioned by your cardboard cut-out from Green Bay. Old habits die hard, lol.
I'm sure you'll have a lot of coaching questions, but do you think it's interesting we've interviewed everyone and their brother except Bill Belichick? You think he'd get at least a thought lol.
K Luv You Bye