(Rocky Balboa voice)
hey, yo, how y’all doin’ Bolt Fam? so like, that O-line didn’t look so hot in the second half of that Kweefs game the other day, y’know? like, even Feiler looked like he was chasin’, like, one o’ them chickens around or somethin’ tryin’ to block Chris Jones, y’know what i’m sayin’? So like, i was wonderin’ what you all thought about, like, maybe gettin’ that Jamaree Salyer kid some reps at center if Linsley can’t play this week? CUT ME MICK!! Oh hey, yo I’m sorry, I’m gettin’ maybe a little punchy in my old age or somethin’. So like, where was i? Oh, yeah, y’know, i don’t wanna take up too much of your time or anything but if i could just say one more thing I’d appreciate it… so like, yo, fuck them raiders
k luv u bye