(Voice of a pissed off American, Who ate a hot dog that didn't taste like it was made in America)
Kyle The Coach............
Great moments are born from great opportunity. And that's what you don't have here, tonight, Kyle. That's what you haven't earned here tonight. One Question. If I asked 'you ten questions, you might dip out on nine. But not this question. Not tonight. Tonight, I skate with you. Tonight, I stay with you. And I'll shut you down because I can! Tonight, I am the greatest Ask Bolt Fam Questioner in the world. I was born to ask the most annoying questions. Every one of them. And you were meant to be here tonight Kyle. This is my time. Your time is done. It's over. I'm sick and tired of hearing about how Kyle isn't here because he's working through something. Screw him. This is my time. Now sit here and take it!
1). Kyle................................how would our first time meeting each other probably go after all the feuds over ask bolt fam? Adam and Kevin got hugs….feel like that just wouldn’t be our style.
2). Speaking of Miracle on Ice, which player on the Chargers roster, currently not a free agent and is under contract at least for next season, is on ice and needs the biggest pep talk/miracle going into this season outside of Justin Herbert/Zion Johnson/Trey Pipkins/QJ? Each of you pick a Chargers player out side of those guys and give your best on the spot pep talk.
K Luv U Bye