(in a spooooky ghost voice👻)
Helloooooooo Boooooyzzz….or Mennnnn if that’s what you preferrrrrr. But men isn’t as funny in a ghost voice. The bye week coooooouldn’t have come at a better time. With everyone hopped up on candy and Halloween crack, a chargers game right now would most death-initely kill us all! Thank you Looooord for sparing us.
Speaking of Old Hallows Eve, the broads are wondering, what was your moooost bestest Halloween costume? Mary’s is her famous Jane Goodall costume of 1993. Heather’s is probably the gorilla costume she wore for no reason to a Homecoming Dance her junior year. Speaking of dances, why didn’t the ghost go to prom? Cos he had no BODY to go with. And for the alternate punchline that Mary made up: Cos he had no Booooo.
Raaa Raaaa Shishkabob tootsie wootsie Willy nilly! I have to say what’s written doooown! Someone heeeeelp meeeeee
K lub ya bye