Kyle, The Coach Duggin.
It's been a two off-season war with you. At this point, it is just time to meet you in person and sit at the table with one another. There needs to be a peace deal between you and me, and some kind of diplomacy is necessary. Let us try to litigate this in front of the Charger Chat Media because we both have manpower problems that need to be resolved. That being said, state your demands, and I will state my demands with this question, and hopefully, we can stop the ruthless killing of each other's brain cells. Thousands of brain cells are dying weekly, and as we speak, we have lost over 220 just today. One of Kyle’s brain cell I witnessed my rap lyrics blow the myelin sheet off its neuron. It was bare and naked afterward. It was completely brutal, and I have never seen anything like it. We have a nice piece of land between us, but we will both feel it in the future. That being said
Here is my demand and question
1). Demand: I demand that Kyle make a sound, noise, or expression every time my name is mentioned by Adam during ask bolt fam like he does with Atheer Kadeer. Only Kyle.
2). Question: With the biggest needs at Edge, C, G, TE, and RB, I feel like this is the first offseason, we can actually address these positions without a patch work. Do you all feel that way, or should we be prepared for at least one patch work and which position do you think it will be? It really sounds like Zion at Center is the patch work or is that all smoke screens?
K Luv U Bye!