Read this like Chris Rock please
Oh god I can't believe I never asked this question sooner!!!! Maybe Will finally smacked some sense into me because I just came up with the perfect offseason mutha fucking question mutha fucka! who I say who! are your top 5 players currently on the team that's including new mutha fucking playas playa!!! AND IF YOU REALLY A CRAZY MUTHA FUCK...TELL ME WHOS YOUR TOP 5 CHARGERS OF ALLLLL TIIIIME!! (brief pause) SHit...i'm tired boss. let me just sip on this moonshine (big gulp sound) to calm me down. It's been a hella of a week. Hoping to get a new mutha fucking tackle by the end of the month. aight yall keep it real and stay away from will aight i'm out k mutha fucking love ya bye GO MUTHA FUCKING CHAAAARRGGERS