Please read this in a Excited & Constipated German voice
Man O Man today has me like damn how do I get off this Elevator. Or when will it start going up. It started out going up with the announcement that there will be some Familiarity in the QB room with the Stick signing. All right man, were off to a good start. And then BAM! Eckler, And then BAM! Parham, and then the one that hurt the most. The Kick in the preverbal NUTS, my man Breiden Fehoko.
I feel like free agency are like these two modified quotes from Blazing Saddles.
What is the wild wild world of sports is going on around here? I wanted you to bring Eckler back. Not jump around his contract like a bunch of Kansas City……Mahomes.
And then
Hey Boys Look what I got He’er?
Hey where da Free Agent Signings at?
But this is only day 1 and I am doing my damnedest to remain positive and I know we can still match an offer on a couple of these guys, and I think Eckler is a smart businessman and he is using this as a tactic to get some more mola on his contract. SO yeah there’s that.
Now, my question. Between the three of you, who can, in their prime, down the most double doubles from in and out in one sitting? I mean this has been keeping me up most nights.
Also I cannot remember who said this. But who ever told me that twitter is a deep dark hole of for Charger Fans and it was not for the weak at heart. YOU WERE RIGHT!! LOL I FREEKING LOVE IT!!!! Thank you!