Guys, the crickets are deafening so I'm graspin' at straws here. My question this week involves Haley Elwood, our queen. Do we know where she has been the last few months? I'm searching & can't find anything. I'm thinking she's been on vacation till Training Camp starts & we'll see her beautiful return to our Bolts coz my heart feels empty....& if I have to see Lindsey Thiry again I'm gonna blow chunks!! 🤢 This woman does not know our Chargers...even Money Smith & Hayre were on Fri's Chargers Weekly lookin' like they wanted to blurt out "Hush woman, jut stop talking"
Till next week, fire up the Raid, kill them crickets, coz Training Camp is alomst here!! ⚡️
KLUBYE (let's go with Walken this week Wool Dog) 😎