(Voice of Cal Naughton Jr from Talladega Nights).
Hey Kyle! Nice of you to stop by for a visit!
And yes, I just crudely pasted my face over yours in the picture below.
Kevin and I are getting brothered. And we are getting matching Vapor Elite Ladd jerseys with the little Bolt Up Emblem inside.
Kyle, your brotherhood with Kevin was a hollow shell. It was a cruel charade. Kevin just gave me the 411 on you not getting a matching Vapor Elite QJ jersey last season, and you know what else? You never gave me credit for beating you on Ask Bolt Fam one time.
Bobby Peck told me, It's my time now. I just came up with a new nickname: KyleSlayer13. Crushing DBs like Kyle every week on Ask Bolt fam. Bet you wished you thought of it.
Anyway, I know some bad stuff happened just now, but I am personally inviting you to be in a picture with Kevin, Adam, and me. Then, you'll get over it and sit next to me during the game. Don't throw out your best Ask Bolt fam friend because of your anger. Remember Kyle: "The fox knows many tricks; the hedgehog one good one." (Akward Scary Laugh)
1). What Chargers memorabilia/gear items are on your bucket list or that you look forward to getting during the off-season?
2). As a fan, what is one step you would like to see Jim Harbaugh take as a coach next season? Can be serious or funny.
K Luv U Bye