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Big Red Boltsfan
Jul 22, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
I dropped the news the week of last
About a role to which I was cast
And in my haste moved right on past
The type of info one must have'st
The play will run from September thirteen
And to keep things nice and neat and clean
To the same day in October, that being thirteen
Unless the crowds are large and fun
Then they'll add a week to the run
And October twenty will it be done
The venue is in my home town
That's of course Omaha so come on down
And watch me act just like a clown
On a stage where many talents will abound
It's not too far from good ole Mizzou
So Kev and Wooldog my questions for you
Will you have time for a looky-loo
Can you come to a show, see what you can do
And yes Kyle, you're invited too
KLUBYE, and make sure you tell a Raider a day to suck my butt.
PS, This was more challenging than I thought it would be
The venue is the Omaha Community Playhouse if you're coming to see
Big Red Boltsfan
Jun 10, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
It is now official and it is sad
We say farewell to the All Pro center we had
His 1,572 straight sackless snaps were no mere fad
Dang that faulty ticker in our dear sweet giant lad
My question this week, if I may ask
Who do you feel is best suited to the task
Of snapping the ball to our hero without a mask
And whom is most likely to help us raise our victory flask
KLUBYE and do you know what
The Raiders can suck my... suck my... suck my butt
Big Red Boltsfan
May 20, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
"We all have moms." señor Kev Huggin doth state
And "My palm tree's been fluffed and does look great."
Then "Family, Football, Podcast. F the green screen mate!"
"Our show is all love, quit trying to bring in the hate."
The schedule release from the team was pure fire
If you claim it was lame then you sir are a liar
The fate of the Raiders and Joe Burrow seems dire
Did they portend that Russell Wilson is a crier?
No worries my dear Wooldog, I'll not wreck your day
I'll end my rhyme now, though there's much more to say
A question of Kevin, that Coach Kyle I pray ask
The job of tree fluffer, for whom is charged to that task
K Luv U Bye and F the rest of the west in a Ghostface mask
Big Red Boltsfan
May 06, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Is it a bird, is it a plane, NAY, it’s a Chark
Not the oceanic meat muncher good sir, that would be a shark
And though he may fly like a bird, he’s no lark
But the speed he brings when healthy could provide quite a spark
Coach Lal’s room was so empty that if you spoke it would echo
After disaster hit us hard and we forgot to pay the gecko
So what did we expect, a reimbursement checko?!?
WAIT, what is this? What has happened with this group
Did this staff turn humble broth into soul saving soup?
Please someone tell me that we’re not being duped
What once was pure caca may now be mere poop?
Can we carry 7 or 8 or 9?
Will we be cutting some studs who will find
A team that will give them a place they may shine
Who saw this coming? Maybe your ass but not mine
Is our receiver room now going to be fine?
K Luv U Bye, Oh and don’t forget your P’s and Q’s
F the Faider’s, the Chef’s and the Donkey in groups of threes or twos
(whatever floats your boats, that’s between you's and you’s)
Big Red Boltsfan
Mar 05, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
I’m bored
I’m bored
I’m bored
Wait! Where’s my iPhone chord?
I’m bored
I’m bored
I’m bored
You had Randy Jackson sign your sword?
I’m bored
I’m bored
I’m bored
Is that a zucchini? Or a gourd?
Oh yeah…. Ummm, are you guys bored?
Big Red Boltsfan
Feb 09, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Ye ole commit-tee for the Hall did GREATLY fail
They should be commit-ted and banned and thrown in jail
For clearly their snobberish antics are beyond thy pail
Just as their spineless rhetoric and retorts are growing quite stale
The folks within those hallowed halls full of greats
With bronze busts of heads and etched in brass name plates
Shall be wildly searching the bottoms of their crates
But alas they’ll find NOT the dome of sir Gates
Those fools should feel shame as they kick thine own asses
And quickly go check if they do need of new glasses
For only a fool who’s as dense as molasses
Would think Hester and Johnson should be what this class is
Alas I digress as complaining is useless
So a question I’ll ask of our trio of muses
What is thine favorite of the tailgating juices
Big Red Boltsfan
Jan 30, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
When I knew my hairline could grow no thinner
And as they were dialing my next of kin’er
Someone done stopped that damned old spinner
On “Winner… winner… chicken dinner!”
Something went wrong it surely did seem
And then we learned and our pants we did cream
"Coach Harbaugh is ours!!!" we shouted and screamed
Like McHomes when he cry's that the refs are so mean
Now for the query of my favorite 3 guys,
Who’s more excited, between you and I?
Don’t even f’n try
Big Red Boltsfan
Jan 23, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
The Chiefs did win and that sucks no doubt
“Damn you Ray Finkle! The laces were out!”
So it’s another week of seeing Patrick about
“Dempsey the McDreamy?” Nay! Mahomes the McPout
And still no word on the coach that we’re craven
So we rally behind the Harbaugh that’s a Raven
And hope that it’s faces alone that are shaven and not points on the board if ya know what I’m sayin.
Now for the quiere that I always leave out
Who of the four that remain will win out?
K luv you bye
Over and out
Big Red Boltsfan
Jan 05, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
The season is over, it seemed so brief
And all that’s left now is to play the Chiefs
They who are resting the one who does queef
And runs like some Caca is filling his briefs
As he whines and he cries to the refs when he speaks
This rhyme I’ve penned BEFORE our last game
The one that will be played by... what’s his name
Yet prevail we will I boldly proclaim
Am I a prophet? Nay you twit, that shit is lame
But know well my friends, once Monday has came
(Get your mind out of the gutter, the SHAME)
Our Boltfam vibe won’t be quite the same
Our mood will be blue and that’s a shame
So we’ll refresh and refresh and refresh again
The news feed page for ESPN
Hopeful to learn that our powder blue men
Will be riding into battle, thanks to a few strokes of the pen
With the coach we most covet and pay millions passed ten
We shall rejoice!!! proudly bolting the fuck up once again
As I close out this rant, and let this rave end
I contemplate how much time I might spend
Watching the playoffs to see if the trend
Of underdogs winning continues my friend
Perhaps the Browns might BEAT them Ravens?
But most important, and sorry if I offend
I hope and I pray for the Chiefs reign to end
K luv U bye, until the next rhyme I send
Oops, almost forgot, I can’t let this end
Without a question being asked again
It’s called ask Boltfam not “babble like a hen”
So... what question should I ask dear friends…
P.S. (no voice)
Seriously though guys, I appreciate your relentless positivity. I personally needed it more than ever this season.
Sorry for the tongue twisting poems Wooldog!!! They are usually drafted after I'm a six pack in and 2.5 sheets to the wind. I try to edit them later so they flow better and there aren't any spelling errors but that doesn't always work. I look forward to hearing all about what's happening in the offseason from my favorite source for all things Chargers.
K luv u bye
Big Red Boltsfan
Jan 01, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Was this season a total fail
That's a question for time to tell
For now we grab our metal pales
That contain our lunch's ... hold the kale
For its back to work to seek that grail
That's yet to appear in our tale
Of fandom... WHAT THE HELL
So now we hope the Wolverines prevail
And the winds of change do reach the sail
Of a coach whose college days are stale
Whom we'd treat as a royal and gladly hail
With piles and piles of fan written mail
Answer our prayers and please don't fail
Ye gods of football who's heights we'll scale
So we can live at last our fairytale
K luv you bye and can't you tell
Am I certified fresh?
NAY NAY NAY... I'm certified stale!
Big Red Boltsfan
Dec 19, 2023
In Ask Boltfam
I thank ye friends for the words so kind
Regarding the phrases I share through rhyme
And I do confess they are difficult to find
Especially after witnessing the heinous crime
Of allowing those fakers to whip our behind
And on a Thursday where all fans could opine
How far from the greats our team lags behind
Yet, what can we do? Are we going to whine
NAY NAY NAY you sniveling swine
Our slates whipped clean so now it is time
To let our boys heal and see if we find
The talent we’ll need next year at this time
To make a strong push for our place in line
To the postseason and glory Devine
Sadly without Max Duggan's behind
K luv you bye until the next time
And Fuck ye Ole Raiders with a spike soaked in lime
Big Red Boltsfan
Dec 11, 2023
In Ask Boltfam
We just watched a match that rang so fantastic
That a memorial shall be made and wrapped up in plastic
Then placed upon a shrine for the instantly classic
Wait… did my brain somehow just turn into plastic
Nay my grey mass has not gone spastic
Nor are my thoughts less malleable or elastic
Yet I feel my guts are bloody right gastric
Did ye ask if my behaviors dramastic
Nay you cotton headed ninny muggins! I’m like being totally SARCASTIC
What fun I had planned with that word that was cast
In the episode I watched, the one before last
Once our thrashing of ye ole Donkeys had passed
Instead we must raise our dear flag to half staff
And as we salute to the glory that's passed
A question I shall give as one must be asked
Rivers and Gates… can one surpass such class
Well dag gum it no you son of a lass
a K luv you bye is overdue alas and…
(Would a quick FTR be too krass?)
Big Red Boltsfan
Dec 04, 2023
In Ask Boltfam
Who be’ist behind this team’s state of malinger?
He who’s known in Game of Thrones as “Little finger”?
Or the one who's reputation calls them “The boredom bringer”?
Wait?!? Does Drew Tranquil have a stinger
Nay… nay… nay you caca slinger!!!
As I’ve stated in a voice not like or un-like Klinger
This win that counts… yet is still no joy bringer
(Seriously ref’s, that hit his finger)
Is still a W says they. Ye of undisclosed body mass singer
I know… I know… this week, a question, of which I am a bringer
Can we beat the Donkey’s….
Fuck yes!! and to ye olde Raiders and there fans a big middle finger
K luv you bye and “Does anyone still watch Jerry Springer?”
Big Red Boltsfan
Nov 27, 2023
In Ask Boltfam
We lost a close one again and that’s crazy
And though the details of the game are somewhat hazy
Be there no doubt that the refs flag arms were lazy
(Except when it helped the team in black and purple paisley)
Yay the outcome doth smartly impale me
As ye ole doubts of fandom do assail me
Whilst I cry in my Ale that is paily
Yet Shall I suffer this week feeling greyly
I without a doubt shall hear daily
About how we should fire our coach good sir Staley
And to all that noise I still shout NAY YE!!!
Nay dear friends say me
I shall continue belief until the day that we
Are mathematically removed by them in Las Vegee
And til then shall I BOLT THE FUCK UP
K luv you bye YAYHEEEEE
Big Red Boltsfan
Nov 13, 2023
In Ask Boltfam
The kick is up... and it's FUUUUU*****!
How should I feel after this epic bout
I want to scream and stomp and shout
Then go to Twi...twi... Twi...
X and pout
Is it long past time this coach is out?
Nay, nay I say and I banish thee to a time out.
Our talented team should be oh so stout
That nothing at all could keep are name out
Of the winning column that good teams a spout
Our loses are tough and hurt no doubt
Yet the games are so close that the fans do shout
The stats like the players are strewn about
How many stars on this team stand out
Sadly fair friends, much of our talent is out with the gout
Yet here we all are standing proudly about
In spite of the pundits who keep counting us out
Week after week, still we resist all their doubts
To each of them I say "Good sirs get out"
As together we stand and United we shout
Bolt the fuck up
Over and out? (Punctuation makes this a question no doubt?)
K luv you bye I proudly shout
Big Red Boltsfan
Oct 30, 2023
In Ask Boltfam
(Whatever voice you choose my woolly friend)
Tick... tick... tick...
The game is over and somehow I don't feel sick?
Could it be the costumes of the Brisquet Broad chick's
Or the video from they that was oh so sick
Could it be the Donkey ass that the Chefs did lick
Or perhaps the Lions fan that's shitting a brick
And sure to be humping a Faiders fans chick
Once is concluded their Monday night's schtict
Still I ask why, why tonight's win did not click
Was it the field goals of the man named Dick
er Nay, nay I say you pompous prick
It's a question I'll ask and ask it quick...
(Clears throat)
Why oh why, once our wins been picked
Won't our coach take heed and quietly stick
The man of said name, that being Stick
Into the game so he may play real quick
Whilst keeping our Herb from getting new nics
I say let this Stick play ball real quick
And watch him move beyond the sticks
Let us see if he can't score a surprise quick six
Then let thine player who's named of the Dick's
Complete his glorious day of sweet sweet kicks
Whilest our hero's massaged well on his Nic's and his cricks
And let him be prepared for the New Jersey hicks
Oh yeah, Family, Trust, Respicts
Big Red Bolsfan
Big Red Boltsfan
Oct 17, 2023
In Ask Boltfam
(Christopher Walken)
What was that thing that the picnic basket thieving bear once said? "It's like dejavú all over again"
I keep watching my favorite pig skin posse go out into that gladiator arena with some of the best talent in all the land and yet allow their opponent to rise up and strike them down smartly.
I keep seeing our men's momentum getting choked out by TE sweeps that are slower developing than a Raiders fan at puberty. I keep seeing our god of thunder and lightning getting smacked around while a Mr McMeowMeow the third forgets that his only job is to block but what he does is politely step aside for his friend mister pass rusher.
My question is, how many times can we stand there and get stabbed in the eye with a soldering iron before we finally say enough is enough, put on our blue and gold big boy panties and start playing like we belong at the cool kids table?
FTR, Bolt the fuck up and let's take this loss out on the guy who runs like he has cacca in his pants next weekend! K! Luv U! Bye!
Big Red Boltsfan
Dec 27, 2022
In Ask Boltfam
Christopher Walken voice please What is going on here? I'm feeling all tingly and warm. I guess that Santa discovered that he had forgotten a few gifts that were left in his big red bag of tricks. Thank you Santa for delivering us a horse of a different color in one Nick Foles. I would also like to sincerely thank you for the finely wrapped interceptions and sacks that junior saint nick handed out for our boys on the defense. I am a tad bit disappointed in my guy Chris Rumph, who did get a little greedy and got back in line for seconds and took the last one before our guy Fehoko could get in there and finally show us the sack dance that I had asked him for all those months ago in this very forum. I hope Santa gave junior saint Nick a lump of coal in his stocking for that throw he made to his poor unsuspecting receiver, who, unfortunately, was in the path of an angry man among boys who was coming at him at full speed and with no stop in his heart. The way you did that was all wrong, it was the wrong tone and if you do it again I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron... metaphorically of course. I think I'm going to go and lie down now and let my sphincter muscle relax for a while. It's been doing a lot of intense work this year and now that we've clinched a playoff spot, his work here is done. At least for the next few weeks. Family Trust Respect and okay, I love you bye.
Big Red Boltsfan
Dec 19, 2022
In Ask Boltfam
(As a young millennial woman) What the whaaaat?!? Don't the ref's like totally know what an illegal forward pass is. Like, everyone is saying how amaze-balls that interception was but uh heeeelllooooo, he threw it to him and that was forwards for their team soooo..... yuh do the math! Anyways, my former bff like is totally crushing on Mr always a groomsman and never a groom David Carr right now because he beat the Patriots and put us in the sixth seed. I'm like Karen, losen up your scrunchy because your pony is way too tight, Mr vroom vroom didn't do ditally. The Pats decided they didn't want to win duh. I'd rather focus on how my perfect 10 made another magic ball get to where my favorite Dicker, ummm hmmm, the kicker, could blow my mind for the second time in three plays and not on how I had to gag through a game of wanting the Rai.... rai.... rai...... I just through up in my mouth, to win. Gawd I feel like such a slut now and should totally take a plan B and at least 5 scalding hot showers to wash that stank off of me. Thanks for drying out my skin you skanky pirates. Family, Trust, Respect
Big Red Boltsfan
Nov 30, 2022
In Ask Boltfam
Will Ferrelll voice. Lately whenever I crash a Chargers game at other teams stadiums I've been getting asked if this was my place and I tell them "No, I live with my mom" What a stupid question right? I mean I had on Charger's Chat swag... duh, I almost nunchucked their asses, they don't even realize. Anyway, after crashing the Card's pad next up is the Pirate oven in LV where I understand the "always a groomsman and never a groom" David Carr was crying after his running back stole his win. What an IDIOT... oooh what a LOSER! Hold on.... HEY COACH, THE RUN DEFENSE, WE WANT IT NOW, THE RUN D! What is he doing? I never know what he's doing back there. But yeah, Carr should be too busy thinking about his cheerleaders to keep his upper head in the, after all grief is natures most powerful aphrodisiac. COACH! THE RUN D! FUCK!!! Anywho, we got road game this Sunday and your coming with but bring condoms. There's going to be so much pirate grief tail to be had! Family Trust Respect! KLUVUBYE
Big Red Boltsfan
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