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Mr. PeckR
Jan 27, 2025
In Ask Boltfam
Last week I was browsing online for trainers to help me fulfill my new years resolution to lose weight when I came across an ad to "Train With Herbert and the BOYS". So I clicked "YES" faster than I did when combo hitting on street fighter. I then filled out the information with out reading the terms and conditions and check marking the box. Literally 15 min later I had a phone call from none other than Ben Herbert. I couldn't even remember what he said, I was so overjoyed. But I do remember him saying "you NerVOUS? You NerVOUS?" I then received an email the next day to select my apartment room located inside the BOLT. So I, of course, selected the one right next to Jim Harbaughs office. I could hear him now encouraging me. "MrPeckARE - you're attacking this weight loss with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind". I then selected the three chargers I would be training with, Justin Herbert, Joey Bosa and Cameron Dicker. I then selected my diet plan full of fresh pizza guaranteed not to mess with my lactose intolerant self, In and Out, and all of the fresh fish I could eat. I then received a zoom call from Ben(yeah we were on a first name basis) letting me know whats up and he will see me tomorrow to start our new journey. I went to bed and then in what seemed like the blink of an eye I was opening up the doors to the Bolt with Dicker, Bosa, and Justin Herbert smiling, waiting to train with me. Everything was perfect Like that scene from Happy Gilmore. Justin said "sup?" I froze for a second and muttered, "hello".... then my wife said "hi? and good morning?" and then...... I realized...... It was only just a dream :-( ..... I am still crushed. But anyways to get your butt in gear for the new year, Who would you want to train with at the bolt. Three current Chargers. Co copycats or repeats. BTFU FTR SMB KILUBYE
Mr. PeckR
Jan 13, 2025
In Ask Boltfam
Well my boys, its that time of year again. We we place our proverbial fat asses on the couch to watch the rest of the playoffs. But before we do that lets look back at what we've gained. For me I got to see Harbaugh and Hortiz start to build on the foundation for our Chargers to only help them grow. With pillars of Mckonkey, Alt, Hart, and Still. I can tell you that this house is built with "an enthusiasm unknown to mankind". And as coach said "One thing I can promise you, the sun will come up tomorrow and.. uh, we'll be attackin it". Lets raise our glasses and say good bye to 2024, Now Here is to 2025 Lets Cook, Lets BOLT UP and Lets WIN! Now, looking back from all the way back to the hiring of Jim Harbaugh to losing this last Saturday. Pick just one moment that resonates in your heart. One moment this season that you will remember for years to come. What is that one moment where your heart was made happy and content with our beautiful boys in blue? BTFU Always FTR SMB KILUBYE
Mr. PeckR
Dec 30, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Please do this in the best Cowboy voice and then a radio salesman voice. COWBOY VOICE - Well howdy folks. Last weeks...... **INTERUPTION!! of the cowboy voice Now to the Raido salesman voice** Hello all you beautiful Butt heads, I have a some questions for you. Do you like foot ball? Do you like the LA Chargers? Do you like gut busting laughter that will make the strongest of sphincters let out a fart? Good, your in the right place. Charger Chat is the best Charger Podcast that will make your heart happy. Now my dudes its time to Help them out. Help Them Help you receive the best content around. How do I do this you may ask... Well its simple, Join their Special 10's group at Our Chargers got to the playoffs now lets help the CC boys get to a play off game...... Its 10. bucks a month for gut busting laughter, extra exclusive content and the an inside look at all things Charger Chat. But most importantly the HANG OUT!!! So much positivity, so much love and even more important the best of friend ships are to be made here. So Help Them, to Help you receive better content ";-)" **BACK TO COWBOY Voice** Well lets turn that off "click sound" Like I was sayin, Last week you spoke of half time venting sessions. I had the opposite on Saturday. At the beginning of the 4th quarter I called our very own Mr Ramsey to have a PLAYOFF Victory Clinching session! So much shouting, so much Joy. Mr North Carolina and Mr Peck R in So Cal. Brought to you by Charget Chat. So thank you. Now I have a question for you and No repeats allowed. What is the greatest thing that has come to you guys over the last 5 years of Epic CC podcasting? BTFU!!! FTR Super...... Mighty..... Bolts...... PLAYOFFS BABY CC Fantasy Football Champion 2024 KLUBYE!!!
Mr. PeckR
Dec 02, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Give me some of that sexy angry german voice please wooldog. Vell it vasent pretty, it vas freaking beautiful! At least defensively. I love Victory Mondays, dont you. Can i get a Victory Toot Toot? TOOT TOOT!!!! Kev, Kyle, YOU BETTER GIVE ME THE BIGGEST VICTORY "TOOT TOOT" OF YOUR LIFE!!!!! None of that nick jr, disney, pepper piggish poppycock. Give me some of that HARD CORE SCREAM-O TOOT TOOTS LFG BTFU SMB KILUBYE If you need some toot toot inspiration.
Mr. PeckR
Nov 04, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
While I am sure everyone is gonna come out and shoot their LOVE off for Minter's Massive D. That is number one at the half way point. I wanna tout our wide receivers. My Boy QJ coming back with a vengeance(He is WR1 when hes on the field). Making some amazing catch and runs, especially that dime from Herbert over the shoulder to QJ for a TD. Then freaking LA DE DE with the sure hands over the Middle. And the ever present Palmer running some extra crispy routes. Honorable mention of Darius the Dominator Davis on ST, dominating those returns and JK, the Darraign Dobins! Proving the naysayers wrong. My Question. If you were trapped on the 2nd floor of a burning building who would you from the Chargers want to catch your baby(human or cat) and B. who throughout the entire NFL would you want to break your fall. No repeats please..... FTR Super Mighty Bolts BTFU KILUBYE!
Mr. PeckR
Oct 28, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
With Bozeman going completely Savage on that weak butt Saints DL that tried to bring back bounty gate to New Orleans. What should Justin buy Bozeman as a thank you? Do you think there will be a fine and if so should or do you think Justin would pay it? Also each of you pick a player and let me know what kind of DOGG that player has! VICTORY MONDAY!!! Super Mighty Bolts FTR BTFU & of Course KILUBYE!
Mr. PeckR
Sep 30, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Please read this in a sexy german Did you guys see our exquisite hunk of a man Justin Herbert slam his helmet down on the bench? I haven't seen that of ferocity. That kind of passion since Harry Potter tried to use the Curciotus curse on Bellatrix LaStrange after she killed Sirius Black. Ohh pheww.... it's got me all hot and bothered.......... Quick. Somebody dump a hot bowl of spatzel on me. Ahhhhhhh....... that's better, thank you. Now my question. Does Justin's Passion, Anger, and competiveness make your schnitzel stand on end? Or does it not excite you and you become like a flaccid italian noodle.... You choice, Schnitzel standing at attention... Or sad like little dobby. Lifeless..... FTR Suck Mein Butt RIP- Maggie Smith........ and Rashee Rice's season.... BTFU KILUBYE
Mr. PeckR
Sep 16, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
I dont know what the voice is called but like this one from the announcer. You guys went, you guys saw and our BOLTS Conquered. That's about the gist right? You bet your sweet bubbly butt cheeks it is! Herbo to QJ, for not 1, but two TD's(Kevin, Adam and I knew it was happening, Sorry Ramsey!) 10 to 1, I really like the sound of that now lest say it together. Ten to FREAKING 1 BABY!!! QJ climbing the ranks to that number 1 spot. Leading the team with catches and tied for first in targets throughout the first 2 weeks. He is slowly turning into that WR most of us knew he was. Now, never to be forgotten. Minters MASSIVE D. (Pause for effect) That's right I said it MINTERS MASSIVE D. The Massive D that "Sacked" their way to allowing only 13 points while bolstering a total of 6 sacks, 2 Picks, 2 forced fumbles and 7 tackle for losses throughout the first 2 games. So my questions is who gets the love for this Massive D? Which position rooms ego gets stroked? Is it the Edge's, D-line, Secondary or the Linebackers? Or do you stroke em all? BTFU!! FTR SMB Special 10's or BUST!!! <---- You wont know until you go.... FULL 10 BABY.
Mr. PeckR
Aug 12, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Guess whos back, back again, Boltz are back.... tell yo friends...... Ahhh good ole Pre Season. where the men are separated from the boys, the good from the not so good, the strong from the weak and more importantly the WINNERS from the LOSERS. In our first Pre Season game as you all saw, Stick had it rough, it was more the showing of a man named Twig. But to be fair these Receivers had more drops than dare I say it........ Quinton Johnston. But why is no one speaking about this? 1st team starting WR's and TE's dropping more than catch able balls. I get it, its preseason and Easton Stick was throwing them. But why is no one talking about the dropped balls that our starters were having? and to boot multiple were in third down situations. Am I off base? But, back to positivity anyways how about our big beautiful D? Tuli looked beautiful, and Buddy D-P is a monster of a man. Our secondary looked good as well. I am excited as to where our team is going. Also much love to the flashes of the nearly 30 year old Luis Perez. Now to my questions I have 2. 1. If drops are such a hot button topic with QJ, why is it not a hot button topic with the other ball catchers on the team. 2. Would you please wish my beautiful daughter Emma a happy birthday?   She's got my back til I die, charger fan buy my side,  through tthick and thin, Chargers Baby, For The WIN!!!   BTFU SuperMightyBolts FTR KILUBYE
Mr. PeckR
Jul 30, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Please read this in a sexy german baby voice....... Hey boys, with everything going on with Herbert², Padded camp, QJ and Ladd and everything else I just have to ask....... With a minor tweak..... who is MORE EXCITED THAN US? BTFU FTR ohhhh suck mein BUTT! & KILUBYE!!
Mr. PeckR
Jul 02, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Sexy German voice please. Hey boys it was good hanging out with you briefly during the DHBC BBQ. These special 10 meets are how do you say the cats MEEEE... OOOWWWW. GURR. Now we spoke about Nick Hardwick and his coaching abilities. And that how LT would be a hard catch. But Imagine all of the coaches you could pull from Chargers past. What EX charger would you bring in as a coach (Positional or otherwise) to improve our team? You would bring them in with this sales pitch. You want to finally win a ring as a Charger? Coaches get rings too..... right..... No copying and no repeats. oldest to youngest order please. Bolt THE F UP FAMILY TRUST RESPECT SMB-INC... KILUBYE!!!!!
Mr. PeckR
Jun 24, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Please read this in the Valley Girl unless you got something better.... Good day, my beautiful, bolt-tastic borthers. Let’s, get straight to it. I have 2 questions. Question one; Am I hyping myself up to much for the ground and pound style of rushing attack that I love so very muchhhhh? Ya know, The last time we saw this type of hard hitting, nose splitting, gut busting, back breaking ground and pound rushing game we had a record breaking running back running behind Lorenzo Neal. And you all know how I feel about Lo Neal. Like, hes the greatest ever 😉 Now for my second question, and I mean no disrespect for LT, as he is hands down the one of the greatest to touch the piggy skin, Like EH-VER.                Do you think that LT would have had the record-breaking season if it wasn’t for my boy Lo Neal paving the way? That’s it. You guys are awesome. Ya kno FAMILY TRUST RESPECT BTFU KILUBYE!!
Mr. PeckR
Jun 18, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Now that you are all locked into your favorite Dinosaur. Which Charger would you compare to your Dinosaur to? Features, Physical or mental similarities? Ok thank you for entertaining me yet again. And if you want to be entertained, Hop on over to the Charger Chat's very own Pateron. You can listen to some of the most amazing content on the net. Or even join the special 10's and join in the fun with the virtual meet up. So many perks. But anyways thank you again for making this offseason bearable. BTFU FTR Jurassic Suck my Butt KILUBYE!!!
Mr. PeckR
Jun 17, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Readers Choice. But I envision an annoying little brat, like the know it all on polar express or the younger kid from Jurassic Park 1 This off season seems to never end. I dont know if it is the excitement of Harbaugh, Seeing all my buddies, or just foot ball in general. Maybe all three? But seriously I hope the rest of this off-season goes smooth like Ex-Lax. Now I just need it to end.... Do I have to sing, This is the off season that never ends..... it just goes on and on and then..... I mean, What do we need to end this off season bore....Do we need a extinct level event to end this off-season or will we just be waiting for the cows to come home? No, what I think we need to spice it up this off season is.............. ............Dinosaurs. Blood thirsty, Laywer Munching, meat-asarous, Sharp tooth wielding, dinosaurs. So here we go.... Hold on to your butts.... What is your favorite Dinosaur? And why? Look for part 2.... Bolt the F**** UP!!! FTR Big ole Jurassic SUCK MY BUTT!! KILUBYE!!
Mr. PeckR
Jun 03, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Hi Guys Please read this in a Sexy Baby voice   Hello my beautiful Boltastic Brothers From other Mothers. I know you saw that Charger short where Jessie Minter was mic’d and was coaching up Zont. I know you saw it because you reacted to it on the best Patreon channel ever. That was sum good coaching! Call Out the mistake, Coach em up, and Celebrate da success. If you don’t understand, it would be like baby kevin playing chess. The call out…. Kevin get that out of your mouth, it doesn’t go there, you don’t know where that’s been, Den, Da coach up, Kevin the big ole fat one does not go in your mouth, its the King and he goes here and does this. Now, celebrate da success, Good Job Kevin….. you did it…. You want a cookie?   I like games, what game would you want to be Jumanji’ed into and who would you bring with you from the chargers as a team mate? No copy cats or repeats. BTFU Big ole SUCKIN BUTTHOLE FAMILY TRUST RESPECT KILUBYE
Mr. PeckR
May 10, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Here is one to read before Andrew's rap? I was asked to be his hype man. I also dont know what the beef is besides whats for dinner.... Rap in the style of Arnold Ok, here's my BOY Ramsey, He's from North CAROLINA, Who's bars are so slick, Yo, nothin' could be fine-a Right now Andrew's sittin here, with a settle to score. Just give up now, because you really want no more. Andrew's blessed He confessed That you're really not the greatest Nor in the position, nor the place to debate this. So you'd better listen up, cuz he's about to heat your fanny to yo Mama, Yo daddy, yo bald headed Granny. They're gonna wonder why, why you started this rift Because your grammar is lame, yeah, just like Taylor Swift, So pick up your jaw because its lyin on the floor And Get yo ass ready, Ramsey's knockin at your door.
Mr. PeckR
Apr 29, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Any body want a Peanut..... LOL Sr. Wool Dogg please select the best voice to read my question below. If its to long I get it :-) The time has come again, The Draft is here, It came as planned. No snow to fall upon the ground. Only picks and cheers will resound. From Godell and fans its just the same, And future players longing to hear their name, Spoken from the podium thats up on stage, To start the next chapter, to turn the page, “With the pick” is what he is going to say, No wide receivers in round one No way, With round one you know protection is Key, And Joe Alt is the pick its gonna be. A star receivers who we got in round two, While Ladd McConkey looking sexy in Blue, Nobodys got it better in round three, JR Colson is who were gonna see, A beast tackling like bobby boushe, Pluggin all the holes just to ruin their day, Justin Eboigbe is who we stole in round four,  Making tackles and shutting that door, In round 5 we choose our future CB’s, That will bring all receivers down to their knees, Tarheeb Still and the brilliant Cam Heart, Wide Receivers and Tight ends they’ll never part, Kimani Vidal in round Six was the best, Now on to round seven with the rest, Brenden Rice now why did he fall? To this I really have no clue at all, Cornelius Johnson you may think, wait who is this man? Another Harbaugh pawn to fit in Romans plan. Maybe yes and then maybe no, What will we reap and then what will we so, Until next year that is all our picks, And Tommy T’s up to his old tricks, We won this draft with this there’s no doubt, While all the Raider fans are gonna cry and pout, You see my question is now listed here below, Which pick will shine the best which pick will glow, In this year of twenty twenty four, And then again for all time forever more? But with this here is my final Cry, FTR & KILU-BYE!
Mr. PeckR
Apr 15, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Choices, Choices, Choices, we've all got choices, trade back at 5 stay at 5. But today I am faced with a choice that tops both. Flats or Legs, Nuggets or Strips, thighs or breasts. You see a theme here. With Draft night quickly approaching I need to plan for my party. Do I make hot wings that make your Culo go OHHHHHHH-No, Chicken strips so crunchy, that it can quench your Devils Lettuce Munchie, Nuggs for you to dip that will make your mouth drip. Big, voluptuous breasts of chicken that are more than finger licken...... Thighs so thicc that you'll gobble em down quick. I need advise. Please help me choose. Not on the draft though because, yeah, were trading down so..... What is your go to chicken appendage at a Draft Party day 1 or day 2? FTR BTFU KLUBYE
Mr. PeckR
Apr 09, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Ok 16 days away. Oof I cannot take it much more. Mock Draft here.... Mock Draft There...... Why do I love Mock drafting so much. I think I have a problem guys. Now I am not gonna ask who ya gonna take if this happens and that happens and the proverbial draft pick fairy that resides in your Mock drafting system farts a magic cloud of fairy dust and sprinkles it on all of your trades giving you everything you want for your perfect draft. No im not gonna do that..... But I am going to ask, is there a scenario that you would not like? Is there a selection outside of No selection or selecting a QB at no. 5 that you would not be happy with? Because those are down right dumb. Ok Love ya Boys. Way to REPRESENT even though you were in Raider colors at a Charger Press conference, COACH KEV!!! BTFU FTR KLUBye
Mr. PeckR
Apr 01, 2024
In Ask Boltfam
Well hello there my beamingly beautiful, brawny, bolted BIG boys in Blue. How are you? I am hoping that you are doing better than those boring, bland, barf-tasticly bitter babies that showed up on you tube and X to try and spread negativity on our brave, bubbly, brainy, beloved Brisket Broads. It was down right Blah! So, Gold Star to you guys and those that stood up for our friends! Now back to some Positivity! Would each of you share your most Positive feeling that you have had as a Charger Fan in the past and in the present. No copy cats and y'all are awesome! Bosa, Mack SACK ATTACK is BACK!!!!! BTFU Bolt Fam, Bolt Gang, Same Thang! FTR KLUBYE

Mr. PeckR

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